Experimentation: Liquid Motion

In this experiment, I will try to make one of the design trends in 2019 called the liquid motion. Liquid motion is mainly used for making icons, video transitions, and even websites. Here are some examples for a very smooth liquid icons:

The longest part in making a smooth liquid motion is the animation. Because a good liquid motion is to make it one-by-one per frame. So, on first step open any animation app you have, it can be Adobe flash, Adobe Animate, Photoshop, or even Clip Studio Paint. In my case I am using Toon Boom Studio for a quick example.

Next step is starting to make a sequence for the animation, what will it going to be. It is more like a very simple sketch.

After that, draw it frame by frame.

Convert the result by turning it into a video file to edit in After effects. Or if you want to make a gif and you are already happy with the result, you can just convert it into a png sequence or turn it into a gif in the app.

In my case, I will edit the colours a little bit in Adobe after effects.

This is the final result, feel free to try it yourself!


Azaña, M. (2016). Cel animation [Gif]. Retrieved from https://i.makeagif.com/media/2-07-2017/BpLOzY.gif

Hackmans. (2014, April 16). [Gif]. Retrieved from https://66.media.tumblr.com/7dc449a37a51ae664d2eadd7cd93e724/tumblr_n43r1pmZEk1txyp9no1_r1_500.gif

Kamph, S. (2014, December 16). [Gif]. Retrieved from https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/388677/screenshots/1848853/splash.gif

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